GameDev Areathis projects is a part of GameDev Area initiative
Alexey Izvalov

Alexey Izvalov

Developer Relations

In indie game development since 2010. Released 30 web and mobile games which received 15 awards. Participated in 2 Ludum Dares and got into top-100 in innovation twice. Made 1500+ game reviews for my colleagues, providing them with useful advice to help their games succeed. Organizer and judge at such Jams and Hackathons: Global Game Jam Ukraine, NASA Space Apps Challenge Kirovograd, Cup, FGL Game Jam, GamesJam GAMM

Alexey on Game Access '17

Success on mobile without a publisher: is it possible?
Is it still possible to succeed on mobile if you release your game without a publisher? The field study from FGL game development community (which consists of 45 000 developers) says yes. This talk considers the question of game promotion, community building time and money investment, which lead to success. To avoid survival bias we analyzed the fail stories as well, so, you'll get a weighted view to the question: to release independently or with a publisher?